Understanding the Benefits of Waxing and Manscaping
Most men never give waxing a second thought. In fact, some believe waxing (and body hair management overall) to be a woman’s endeavor. What many men don’t know is how thankful women would be if their partners engaged in a little manscaping. People who value their physical appearance and grooming are always better received, whether in an amorous context or not.
If the women can do it, why can’t the men? Though you might be afraid of the pain, many people go through this process regularly. With time, you might just get used to waxing. It won’t always be like that scene from the 40-Year Old Virgin where Steve Carrell gets his chest waxed!
Then again, it’s also worth noting that manscaping isn’t limited to the more sensitive parts of the body. It’s not an all-or-nothing situation that you have to make every part of your body hair-free, either. Manscaping is all about looking and feeling your best. It can be just your eyebrows, or perhaps including your chest and arms, too. How much you remove and where is completely your prerogative—what’s important is you feel clean and look neat.
Why can’t I just shave?
When it comes to manscaping, most men think that shaving is their only option. While it is fully viable to take a sharp bladed implement to the sensitive parts of your body, this may result in injuries if not done correctly. Shaving can cause uncomfortable scrapes and cuts on the skin if you press the blade a little too hard.
Shaving the hair also causes it to come back quickly. After all, shaving just cuts a hair already in the process of growing; waxing, on the other hand, removes hair from the root. Your follicles will take longer to regrow the hair.
Read more: Reasons For Men To Have Their Skincare Routine As Well
Is waxing really better?
Waxing, in unskilled hands, can still bring harm. Waxing yourself with no experience or going to a salon of ill repute might increase bumps, ingrown hairs, and burns. The process needs an experienced professional who understands that men’s body hair is thicker and more coarse. A good esthetician knows how to pull on the patches in a way that minimizes pain and other side effects.
That being said, you might experience a little redness in the waxed areas. This redness may last for a day or so, but your skin will be soft and smooth in no time.
The benefits of waxing
If you remain unconvinced about the benefits of this form of manscaping, read on. We are going to talk about it some more:
Better smells
Anyone with bountiful amounts of body hair knows how difficult it is to manage the smell sometimes. Regardless of gender, having too much body hair can give you body odor. The hairs can end up trapping foul-smelling bacteria. The moisture from the sweat and the warmth of the human body can create optimum conditions for bacterial growth.
Removing body hair can make it easier to clean and sanitize your whole body, eliminating these smells.
Better skincare
There’s a reason that doctors and surgeons shave patients before a medical procedure: it gets in the way. With skincare products or other treatments, this is also true. Hair can make it difficult for the product to be distributed across the skin. In many cases, hair can cause you to use up more product than you actually need.
Having smooth, hairless skin can make it easier to apply creams, balms, serums, and oils.
The pain will fade
Waxing will not always be painful. Over time, your follicles will get used to this process. Your hair will start growing thinner and softer. Even if you miss your regular waxing appointment for a while, your hair will be much easier to manage. The best benefit of this is that the thinner hair will be less painful to pull out.
Final thoughts
There’s no reason to be afraid of manscaping. It is a perfectly acceptable grooming procedure, regardless of your gender. Not only will your partner thank you for it, but your body might also. After all, you would get to enjoy smoother and cleaner skin.
If you’re looking for an esthetician in Naples, FL to manscape you, schedule your appointment with us at Kim Gallo Esthetics. We cover men’s waxing for brows, ears, nostrils, chest, shoulders, and back, giving you a well-groomed natural look, and never looking overdone. As a treat, we offer a 10% discount on your first booking.