Comparing Routine Facials and Chemical Peels
Going to an esthetician may seem like just a luxury, but for those whose skin has seen better days, they know just how essential a regular trip is! The truth is that having supple and healthy skin is more than just for the esthetic value—it has a lot of benefits for your daily life too!
Two simple esthetics procedures that can dramatically improve the condition of your skin are facials and chemical peels. While the two share some similarities, there are times when you may want to opt for a normal facial, and times when a chemical peel may better fit your needs.
Let’s review the benefits of each facial treatment and when you should choose each one.
The Benefits of a Routine Facial
Facials have been known to be a service that spas provide for relaxation purposes. You get the earphones and cucumbers in your eyes and lay back while an esthetician does the work. Unlike chemical peels, facials do not remove any layers and rather involve the use of serums and products to clean pores, extract blackheads, and moisturize the skin.
Facials are meant to treat one or two of the problems for each customer—so a lot of thought goes into it for quality service. Here are some perks of getting a routine facial.
Stay on Top of Work
Most people who get routine facials are those that work in the beauty or entertainment industry. Because their job is to stay in front of a camera and look their absolute best, they would invest in getting facials regularly!
Some CEOs or leading executives also make this investment because they have to leave a good impression on investors or other entrepreneurs alike. You don’t have to be good-looking to be a leader—but it is important to stay well-groomed and well-dressed!
Boost Confidence
Everyone needs to be comfortable in their own skin. For some people, it is the bane of their existence. Instead of finding ways to hide your face, make facials a part of your routine. Once you see the difference in your skin, it may give you that confidence boost you need every day.
Manage Skin Conditions
Getting a routine facial won’t guarantee you that your skin will become perfect over time. They do help manage your skin conditions, but they aren’t the one-and-done solution. Still, they can help with maintenance alongside any medicated treatments or skincare routines that you already have. More often than not, routine treatments involve using steam to release any blackheads or whiteheads, followed by exfoliation to eliminate dead skin. It also typically includes a massage to stimulate facial muscles, along with a facial mask, and an assortment of toner, serums, and creams.
The Benefits of a Chemical Peel
Chemical peels are often integrated into facials with those who have skin problems beyond what is common. The procedure involves the use of chemical solutions to strip the surface layer of cells away, encouraging a newer, healthier layer to reveal itself.
The esthetician will examine your skin in order to identify which chemical solutions to use. During the procedure, these solutions are applied, exfoliating the top layer that may be old and damaged.
This treatment benefits skin with the following issues:
Acne is a common problem among pubescent youths that often go away when they mature. But for some folks, that just isn’t the case. Some people get adult acne outbreaks, which are usually due to hormones or diet. Facials for that condition often use chemical peels like Alpha-Hydroxy Acid (AHA’s) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs).
Uneven Skin Tones
Is your face not exactly the same shade as the rest of your body? No worries—this is a common occurrence that can happen due to aging! It can also be a bad sunburn that never healed, or maybe it’s simply hereditary.
Chemical peels are used to even out your skin tone and restore your skin’s glow.
Read more: 5 Incredible Benefits of Getting a Chemical Peel
What Should I Choose?
Those looking for nothing more than a pick-me-up for their skin will benefit from facial enhancements such as a collagen or hydrating mask. If you are looking for something to enhance the color, tone, and clarity of your skin while reducing the appearance of discoloration, breakouts, and fine lines, however, a chemical peel will be more beneficial.
It’s important to note that these procedures aren’t the cure for every skin problem. To see long-term results, you still need to follow a regular skincare routine and watch out for food that may trigger allergic reactions or outbreaks. If you want to do such procedures on a regular basis, it is most recommended that you do them only once a month or every five to six weeks.
Everyone deserves a good day of relaxation and rejuvenation. For the best experience, visit the top facial spa in Naples, FL. Kim Gallo Esthetics has been providing the best services for twenty-five years. We offer personalized treatments, facials, and waxing for everyone in the area. Contact us today for an appointment!